Internet of Things

Level 1

Course of Content

  • Introduction to embedded System
    1.1 What is an embedded system?
    1.2 Classification of embedded systems.
    1.3 Various Microcontroller platforms and History.
  • Introduction to Arduino platform
    2.1 Introduction of Arduino Hardware and IDE and Tinkercad Circuits.
    2.2 How to control the GPIO of Arduino using C Programming.
    2.3 LED blink code
  • Actuators and Drive Systems
    3.1 Introduction of DC Motors
    3.2 Introduction of DC Geared Motors
    3.3 Introduction of Servo motors
    3.4 DC motor control using L293 Motor Driver and discussion of various motor drivers with Simulation project on Tinkercad Circuits.
  • C programming Concepts with electronics Hardware interface
    4.1 How to interface Switch to control LEDs(If loop) with Simulation project on Tinkercad Circuits
    4.2 How to blink Led for given number of times. (For loop)
    4.3 Introduction to Data-types and variables.
    4.4 Advanced coding techniques to control multiple devices; timing understanding
    4.5 LCD 16x2 interfacing with Arduino.
  • Sensor Interfacing
    5.1 How to interface IR sensors with Arduino Uno. (GPIO input) with Simulation project on Tinkercad Circuits.
    5.2 How to interface PIR Sensor with arduino. (GPIO Input) with Simulation project on Tinkercad Circuits.
    5.3 interfacing of photo sensor(LDR) and introduction to ADC.
    5.4 Environment sensors including, humidity, noisture, UV, temperature sensor interfacing.
    5.5 Gas sensors
  • Communication with computer
    6.1. Arduino serial communication
    6.2 Bluetooth module interfacing
    6.3 I2C communication and DS3231 RTC Module interfacing.
    Project work
    6.1. Arduino serial communication
    6.2 Bluetooth module interfacing
    6.3 I2C communication and DS3231 RTC Module interfacing.



  • Total 30 Session
  • 3-4 Session Per week
  • International Trainer
  • Certificate
  • Project Base Training
  • Hardware providing
  • Online session

Level 2

Course of Content

  • 1.1 What is iot. Why the industry needs IoT.
    1.2 What are the various platforms of IoT?
    1.3 What is the IoT cloud?
    1.4 What is IoT FOG Computing?
    1.5 Discussion of various methods in IoT communication (MQTT,UDP,HTTP and TCP )
  • 2.1 NodeMCU introduction and pin mapping to Arduino IDE.
    2.2 How to install a NodeMcu board on an Arduino IDE.
    2.3 LED interfacing with NodeMcu.
    2.4 interfacing analog sensor on NodeMCU.
    2.5 ESP-01 vs. NodeMCU (ESP-12E) Comparison.
  • 3.1 Check available networks.
    3.2 Wifi connection of NodeMcu with local Modem or mobile hotspot.
    3.3 How to create a channel on thingspeak.
    3.4 How to interface your device with the IoT Cloud.
    3.5 MQTT implementation and testing.
    3.6 MQTT Mosquitto broker implementation.
    3.7 PUB and SUB discussion. Data testing using MQTT Box (window application)
  • 4.1 Wireless Mesh Networking Topology in iot discussion.
    4.2 Wireless Mesh Networking Topology in iot implementation.
    4.3 Mesh based Project multiple sensor network



  • Total 30 Session
  • 3-4 Session Per week
  • International Trainer
  • Certificate
  • Project Base Training
  • Hardware providing
  • Online session


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Internet of Things

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